As mentioned in my last blogpost, the City of Whitehall, through the Director of Economic Development and Public Service*: Zachary Woodruff, has decided that what our city needs is for the government to concern themselves with what is in our private backyards and what we’re doing there, via his legislation: Ordinances #002-2020 and #003-2020. To obtain information pertinent to the legislation, other government agency’s aerial photographs** were utilized to determine there was a ‘problem’. Photos, by the way, whose intended purposes were not related to the Maggard administration’s authoritarian designs. It is taking advantage of something out there, which were seemingly allowed, that we had no say in (Google, Franklin County Auditor), being used in order to do something we DO have a say in: our government immorally spying on Whitehall citizen’s private backyards in order to adopt legislation which further encroaches on our rights to privacy and liberty.

NOTE: many have privacy fences, those which tell everyone: this is my own private area and I don’t want you back here and looking at this. Thus the word; private.

snip private

These photos were being discussed on Facebook and so I asked Mr. Woodruff, in an email, to provide me with copies of them. Below are the photos he provided me, from the public record, in no particular order.

A word: Yet another immorality of Whitehall City Hall against its own citizens. Where they don’t necessarily break any laws but disrespect the citizens by doing the wrong thing because they want it. Knowing where the respectful, moral line is (purportedly) and crossing it anyway because their administration of OUR government, what they want to do, is more important than ethical principles or the citizens privacy and rights. It is an abuse of what the citizens sent them to do and is an eroding of our society. It must not be tolerated.






This one looks like it was used to show residents parking vehicles on grass



Some of these photos were used to show how much surface of a property is impervious surfaces, per Ordinance # 003-2020



This one looks as though it may be a zoning photograph used by the Service Dept. to determine people parking on grass (non-impervious surfaces) in their backyard.



This is clearly Google Maps

tyhmnuytrwerdyuOrd. 002-2020Ord. 003-2020* One wonders which hat he’s wearing for this legislation and whether one serves the other.

**From the Whitehall News article: ‘Using aerial images from the Franklin County Auditor’s Office and photographs from Whitehall’s zoning officers depicting multiple vehicles on back lawns’


About Gerald Dixon

Born and raised in Whitehall Ohio. Graduated WYHS class of 1980. Pursued acting career, NYC '88 to '95 and '03 to '08, Los Angeles '97 to '03. Purchased family home on Doney St. in '07 where I currently live.
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