OMG! HOLY #*@%!

The ‘pre-general’ financial disclosures for Issue 37 came out and here are the pro-‘extending term limits’ group’s donations and expenditures. I’ll comment on it at another time but for now, just LOOK AT IT (study it and Google things too!).
(The first four pages are all donations, the last are their expenditures)

Committee to Extend Progress 1Committee to Extend Progress 2
Committee to Extend Progress 3Committee to Extend Progress 4Committee to Extend Progress 5

About Gerald Dixon

Born and raised in Whitehall Ohio. Graduated WYHS class of 1980. Pursued acting career, NYC '88 to '95 and '03 to '08, Los Angeles '97 to '03. Purchased family home on Doney St. in '07 where I currently live.
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