Overall Word Cloud Two

Too often I hear people say that my blog is merely an anti-Maggard screed. As such and, based on my own curiosity about the overarching themes of my blog, I decided to create a word cloud* based on the entirety of the blog’s writings. The above shot is that word cloud. I think it should stand as proof of the blog’s contents.
The most often used words are:

City- 563   Whitehall- 467   People- 448   Citizens- 401   Council- 392   Maggard- 308   Public- 250   Code-227

You’ll note that Kim Maggard isn’t even in the top 5 most used words. ‘People’ ‘public’ or ‘citizens’ was used a total of 1099 times and ‘City’ or ‘Whitehall’ was used 1030 times. While some of her supporters would like you to think the blog is all about her, its not. Its about Whitehall and its governance: what is wrong and how we can do better.

*I’m doing one for every post and will update them all with their own individual word clouds.

About Gerald Dixon

Born and raised in Whitehall Ohio. Graduated WYHS class of 1980. Pursued acting career, NYC '88 to '95 and '03 to '08, Los Angeles '97 to '03. Purchased family home on Doney St. in '07 where I currently live.
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