Too often I have heard  that my posts are ‘too lengthy’, ‘long-winded’ and full of ‘big words’. What these criticisms don’t take into account is that, all along, my belief has been that people are smart and can grasp the nuance of arguments presented. That is why I take so much time to present as much evidence as I have along with the reasoned arguments that bring about the logical conclusions that connect to, and therefore bolster, the evidence I’ve provided. (I was also taught that language and grammar matter) I owe it to my argument’s defense and I owe it, respectfully, to the citizens and neighbors of Whitehall.

Despite this then, this time, I’m gonna take their criticisms as the lead, and so, I wanted to leave these things with you to make your decisions, trusting in your ability to do so. So, as the kids say: ‘ima just leave this here’ and let you make up your own conclusions based on the evidence presented. This time I’ll leave it to your own powers of logic and reason and allow you to meet your own conclusions. Watch the short video of our city attorney and then look at the city records, those which were drawn up for the city nearly ten years ago.

Here, Whitehall City Attorney Michael Bivens talks during ‘Officials Reports’ about the Roses parking lot adjacent to Krogers (on the old Big Bear Plus site).


Big Bear papers 9 - Copy

I put in the red check marks to illustrate that which they’ve attended to.

Whitehall Land Use and Re-Development

Big Bear papers1

This page is an overview of the Strategic Land Use & Economic Re/Development Plan. It lays out why the plan is being implemented.



Big Bear papers 2

Here, the ‘Strategic Sites’ prospectus lays out the pros and cons, for city leaders, about the former Big Bear site. Land, btw, which is not theirs. Imagine finding city plans drawn up for re-development of YOUR property unbeknownst to you.





Big Bear papers 3 and 'Strategic Sites'

Big Bear papers 4 and 'Re-Development of Strategic Sites

















Strategic Site Economic Impacts

Big Bear papers 5Big Bear papers 6




















Glorious Design Plans

Big Bear papers 7

From 9 years ago



Big Bear papers 8





















Implementation Plan (code enforcement, parking lots)

City Attorney Bivens mentioned both ‘code enforcement’ and ‘parking lot’ in his comments.

As a side note, in case no one has considered this aspect of the Roses’ parking lot situation, here it is: everyone and their brother races across the Roses parking lot in order to get to Kroger’s. No one has paid attention to proper routes to Kroger since it was Big Bear and had its striping in the lot. If there are potholes and damage to the lot, I would posit that it has been made primarily by folks using it to go back and forth either to Kroger’s or to cut across and avoid traffic at Hamilton and Main. So, primarily blaming Roses for the parking lot damage doesn’t really address the full story of the wrong.







About Gerald Dixon

Born and raised in Whitehall Ohio. Graduated WYHS class of 1980. Pursued acting career, NYC '88 to '95 and '03 to '08, Los Angeles '97 to '03. Purchased family home on Doney St. in '07 where I currently live.
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