Here is the entire report. I’ll let you look at the entire thing before I write on it.

Police report 1










Police report 2

Police report 3






































Police Report 4

















So, you see that Whitehall’s Director of Economic Development and Public Service (whom I’ve criticized on my blog) and 3 councilpersons (all of whom I’ve criticized on my blog, Mr. Rodriguez most, followed by Mr. Kantor and then Mr. Morrison least) ‘witnessed’ this event and all stand up for Dan Miller whom I’ve also criticized on my blog. Auditor Miller, contrary to my account, says he ‘may’ have told me to “get the hell out”* but it was only because I was ‘obnoxious’ and ‘yelling at people’ (wrong). ‘…everyone involved felt Gerald was the problem’ (imagine that!). Convenient for them that every ‘witness’ who spoke up had been targets of my criticism and that there were no friends of Gerald Dixon to offer up alternative accountings to theirs.

What concerns me even more is that there are people whom I have a greater opinion that were all standing there, both as President of Council Jim Graham ranted above me and Auditor Dan Miller yelled at me in a hushed environment. They know the truth. What are their stories? They have been silent on the matter. Will they choose honor or will they choose politics? What is their character worth to them? Mine is everything to me.


character traits

I mean, this is the handwritten list I keep by my desk. Why would I do that and just live contrary to those tenets? What kind of insane bullshit artist would I be? Really!

I can offer up these arguments in defense of my telling of events: In 9 years of going to council and three of them writing this blog there has never been a situation like this arise, until now. If I were going to make things up, why would I have taken so long to do so? Secondly, if it was I who was being ‘obnoxious’ and ‘yelling at ‘people”, why then was it I who called the police? You’d think if I’d done wrong it would have been me who skedaddled outta there quick-like instead of Dan Miller. Instead, I stayed and actually called the police (where, if the others were correct, I might’ve gotten into trouble for my behavior). It doesn’t make sense. As well, all of the writings, including the video of me telling what happened, is there really anything which suggests I’m an immoral character (particularly as I’ve went on and on and on, for years, about immorality?!) or that I’m not a forthright sort or honest? What, heretofore, suggests that I would concoct such an outrageous story? Here are, at least, 5 city officials whom I’ve spoken out about on my blog in a mostly critical fashion saying that it was I (the mean old, terrible criticizer!) who was ‘the problem’. Their familial attachments create conflicts of interest (Dan before truth, Dan before honor, Dan’s our friend, Gerald Dixon’s mean and awful) and their lack of professional distance in the face of this situation shows that bias. It was an ‘Auditor Miller’ situation in which Mr. Miller is a big boy and has the ability                                                                       to handle his own problems, not an ‘our


There it is, taped to the windowsill, in my eye line during everything I write, next to my desk.

friend Dan’ situation where he needs their help.


By my account, he was verbally aggressive to a citizen, that which everyone in the hushed room could see and hear, including Auditor Miller! (UNLESS! He was in a somnambulistic state dreaming he was on a packed subway car in Times Square at rush hour!) and out of respect FOR that citizen and the situation, like the female Council members who respected the division between self-interests and professionalism, they should have simply walked away, but, they didn’t. They stayed and commiserated with their friend Dan. The gulf between their lack of professional boundaries with themselves at city hall (in the case of elected officials) and the vested interest of their friendships at city hall they’ve wrongly given higher priority to than duty and honor and professional obligation to the public trust and the citizens themselves is grotesque. When I spoke of this to my very adroit, very accomplished attorney; that all those I’d criticized on my blog had a differing version of the events, he gave a knowing and sardonic chuckle. Of COURSE they gave an alternate version, of course they did. If that is not enough to convince you on who to believe, no amount of words matter then.


Rodriguez et al

A picture is worth a thousand words…Auditor Miller at a basketball game with l-r, Councilman Chris Rodriguez, Councilman Wes Kantor and then-councilman Van Gregg



*Funny, that was what Councilperson Karen Conison said to the officer after I told her to speak with Karen. Karen Conison, who was standing only 4-5 feet from Dan Miller as he shouted in a hushed room, ‘Get the fuck outta here!

About Gerald Dixon

Born and raised in Whitehall Ohio. Graduated WYHS class of 1980. Pursued acting career, NYC '88 to '95 and '03 to '08, Los Angeles '97 to '03. Purchased family home on Doney St. in '07 where I currently live.
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