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Below is, I believe, the most important paragraph in my blogpost ‘Whitehall Ohio: The City of No’. It ultimately begs the question; ‘Who exactly is it ‘we the people’ are “complying” for?’ Is it ourselves, the citizens, or elected leaders working in concert with corporate entities? Are they here for us or are we now here for them? I believe it is them for us and not the other way around but if some of those in power continue to have their way, unfettered, it will increasingly be us that is here for them. Mark my words.
**This is why they resist my people-centric/ethics-centric election to office.**

The quote:

I believe this is what drives Whitehall’s leaders. They want to inorganically change and shape Whitehall into something they want it to be, not raise up, promote and better what actually is. They do this with heavy-handed code enforcement which either chases out those that don’t fit into their ‘vision’ or standardizes them through harassment and fines until they bend to their will and become, as the code office says, “compliant”. A bland, standardized, sanitized, uninteresting, corporatized sameness through compliance, one that they’re comfortable with but which offers up a community with little to no character and little to no interest, either to the citizen or visitor. This is City Hall’s ultimate vision and I think it is causing irreparable harm to our future. It has put Whitehall into a difficult position; trying to find its identity and future while in the upheaval of change, within the stifling, hemmed-in climate of ‘No!’



About Gerald Dixon

Born and raised in Whitehall Ohio. Graduated WYHS class of 1980. Pursued acting career, NYC '88 to '95 and '03 to '08, Los Angeles '97 to '03. Purchased family home on Doney St. in '07 where I currently live.
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